Class Wars Blog
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Welcome to ClassWars, the home of Activist Radio, a weekly program for all Americans who are not in the wealthiest one percent of the US population.

Class wars have been going on since the beginning of recorded history. As societies become more powerful and wealthy, they often become more corrupt. Towards the end of each cycle, a few rich families own practically everything and rule with an iron fist. Imperial wars for empire and military over-expansion are other trademarks of a debased and undemocratic society. Empire often brings about great poverty and suffering not only in the occupied and exploited lands, but at home as well.

Class wars is a dirty term in our media, which always implies that America is above such crudeness. But the very rich are not above that at all. They have been waging an especially intense attack on working people since the 1970's, and have accumulated immense wealth and power at the expense of the rest of us.

Of course, America's class wars are not fought with tanks and bombs, but with crooked politicians, right wing think tanks and corporate owned media. For the very rich to maintain and increase their share of the national wealth, they have to fool you. How else could one percent of our population call the shots for the other ninety-nine percent?

Well, there is another way. The very rich can bankroll a fascist demagogue who then uses racial fears and hatreds to overcome any form of worker resistance. Mussolini and Hitler are examples of how this was done in the 1930s. Trump is, of course, the most dangerous demagogue of the 21st century. To understand how he has gotten this far, check out: "The Unspoken Spread of Fascism."

Activist Radio will attempt to show you how the few richest of our citizens lie to the rest of us to expand their power and wealth. They are sick with greed, of course. But so far, the rest of us are what might be worse, and that is stupid. None of the information presented is particularly new or really very hard to find, although you won't read it in the mainstream press or see it on TV. If that is what you are relying on for news, you are being suckered, my friend. I don't know how to put it any nicer.

So sit back, relax, and listen to Activist Radio streamed live:

Thursdays from 5 - 6 pm ET

Sundays from 5 - 6 pm ET

Activist Radio can be heard: Thursdays 8-9 am on KBOO 90.7 FM in Portland, OR; Thursdays 11-12 noon on WRFA 107.9 FM in Jamestown, NY; Thursdays 5-6 pm on WVKR 91.3 FM at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY; Thursdays 7-8 pm on WBDY 99.5 FM at The Bundy in Binghamton, NY; Fridays 4-5 pm on WEFR 1700 AM in Fairmont, WV; Saturdays 7-8 am on WOZO 103.9 FM in Knoxville, TN; Sundays 1:30-2:30 pm on WESU 88.1 FM at Wesleyan University in Middletown, CT; Sundays 4-5 pm from WIOF 104.1 FM in Woodstock, NY; Sundays 5-6 PM from the Progressive Radio Network at; Mondays 11-12 noon on WCAA 107.3 FM in Albany, NY; and finally Mondays at 10-11 pm on KWSI in Grand Junction, CO. Past programs are available as a podcast, or anytime on the web at

Recent stories on Activist Radio may have you thinking about some important issues. Put another way, you could be wondering if most of what we say is totally made up, since you probably haven't seen it on TV. But here are some links to stories we have done recently.

News fashioned by the people in charge, the corporations and your government. Each week, we cover the stories that are just left out of the US propaganda machine.

Fred Nagel is a Vietnam Era veteran and political activist whose articles have appeared in CounterPunch, Global Exchange, LA Progressive, Mondoweiss, Peace & Planet News, Popular Resistance, and Z Magazine. He also hosts a show on Vassar College Radio, WVKR (


Eli wishing Assange a Happy Birthday

Eli and Fred "take a knee" for racial justice
while Jimi Hendrix goes out over the airwaves.

Reporting from the veteran's
encampment at Standing Rock

Fred at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London,
standing with a vigil for Julian Assange

Dave, Heather, Fred and DJ James Poe
at WABG - AM 960 in Columbus, MS

Dahr Jamail and Gary

Fred and Gary with Pete Seeger

Kathy Kelly and Gary

Thanks to Martha for this time
on the set of Democracy Now.

Fred and Gary on the air

In memory of Jordan Taylor,
Black Lives Matter organizer
and former Activist Radio co-host

The late 19 Century had its very own Gilded Age.

Milton Friedman, guru of deregulation and
self interest, made millionaires into billionaires
by robbing everyone else.

Feeding the Empire's war machine.

Listen to recent shows

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January 16

GUEST: Lillian Rosengarten, author of "Survival and Conscience: From the Shadows of Nazi Germany to the Jewish Boat to Gaza," talks about her life fighting for human rights.

Lillian Rosengarten
Promised Land, Jewish Museum
Palestine Book Awards

SONG: Pete Seeger ... Bring Them Home
SONG: Pete Seeger, A Link in the Chain ... Waist Deep In the Big Muddy

January 9

GUEST: Jodie Evans, cofounder of Code Pink, Oscar nominated filmmaker, and organizer for peace and justice movements, talks about hope and grieving when one's country is committing a genocide in Gaza.

Jodie Evans at Code Pink
Creative Time Summit
Local Organizing Resources

SONG: Aliza Hava ... Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A Musical Tribute
SONG: David Rovics ... Sing a Song For Gaza

January 2

GUEST: Michael Sussman, long time lawyer and activist in civil rights, environmental, sexual harassment, police brutality, and public corruption law, talks about his recent case defending students at the SUNY New Paltz encampment for Palestine.

SUNY New Paltz arrests
Legendary Civil Rights Attorney
Michael Sussman in the Forward

SONG: Anne Feeney,  Have You Been to Jail for Justice?  ... The Rich Man's House
SONG: Barbara Dane ... It Isn't Nice

December 26

GUEST: Amira Jarmakani, author, professor of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and faculty for Islamic and Arabic Studies and LGBTQ Plus Studies at San Diego State University, talks about racism and US imperialism.

Women's Studies
“Zionism is racism” to “antisemitism is racism”
An Imperialist Love Story

SONG: Barbara Dane, FTA! Songs of the GI Resistance ... We Shall Not Be Moved
SONG: Barbara Dane, I Hate the Capitalist System  ... I Don't Want Your Millions, Mr.

December 19

GUEST: Barbara Larcom, chair of the international Nicaragua Solidarity Coalition and coordinator of Casa Baltimore/Limay, a 39-year friendship project linking Baltimore, MD, with the town of San Juan de Limay, Nicaragua, talks about the pure propaganda of our US media when it comes to covering socialist countries in the Western Hemisphere.

House passes dangerous bill
US imperialism a danger to us all
New US puppet attempting a coup

SONG: Pete Seeger, God Bless the Grass ... God Bless the Grass
SONG: Barbara Dane, FTA! Songs of the GI Resistance  ... Bring 'Em Home

December 12

GUEST: Eric Cheyfitz, distinguished professor at Cornell University, author of several books, and activist in opposing Zionism and Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people, talks about the differences between antisemitism and valid criticisms of Israel.

Anti-Zionism Is Not Anti-Semitism
Weaponization of antisemitism at Cornell
Disinformation Age: The Collapse of Liberal Democracy

SONG: Ry Cooder, Election Special ... Take Your Hands Off It
SONG: Rosalie Sorrels, No Closing Chord - The Songs of Malvina Reynolds  ... From Way Up Here

December 5

GUEST: Member of Students For Justice in Palestine at Vassar College talks about standing up for human rights in the face of an administration that is not supportive of activism on campus.

National Students for Justice in Palestine
Vassar SJP on Instagram
Agitational Propaganda Workshop

SONG: Barbara Dane, I Hate the Capitalist System ... The Kent State Massacre
SONG: Billy Bragg, The Essential Billy Bragg  ... All You Fascists Bound to Lose

November 28

Thanksgiving special with favorite songs and an interview with Sleydo, a spokesperson for the indigenous Gidimt’en checkpoint on Wet’suwet’en lands in British Columbia.

The fight to stop pipelines through indigenous lands

November 21

GUEST: Leah Rothstein, union organizer, housing policy consultant, and coauthor (with her father, Richard Rothstein) of "Just Action: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law," talks about her book on what housing activists have to do.

Just Action: How to Challenge Segregation
Keeping wealth in the family
Book Review: To Fight Segregation

SONG: Eliza Gilkyson ... Dark Ages
SONG: BBOBBYY  ... One Whole Year of Genocide

November 14

GUESTS: Alexandria Shaner, from Extinction Rebellion and Matic Primca, Slovenian activist and journalist, talk about what the Z Network is and how it relates to the Influential radical publication, Z Magazine, that featured the writings of Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn. (repeat)

The Z Network
Dealing With Government Repression

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We often use Peacebutton's calendar

to do our History of Social Struggle each week.
Check them out at

Some Favorite Lies
of the Very Rich

  1. Class wars don't exist in America, the land of the free. (The very rich have taken the rest of us to the cleaners, especially since the mid 1970's. Democracy in America has become little more than a useful fiction.)
  2. The two party system promotes the will of the people. (Both parties are paid for by the major corporations, leaving the people with very little power to change domestic or foreign policy.)
  3. Multinational corporations encourage free enterprise. (They spend most of their time getting handouts from governments while trying to eliminate workers' rights and environmental regulations through "free" trade.)
  4. The billions spent on defense contracts make Americans safer. (Most defense contracts are no-bid, billion dollar scams. Of the first world countries, only America spends so much on weaponry that there is nothing left over for the poor and middle class: no education, no health care, and no housing.)
  5. High drug costs are necessary to pay for research. (Most drug profits go towards advertising and CEO stock options. Other first world countries, like Canada, control drug prices.)
  6. Charter schools increase the quality of the nation's education. (Charter schools allow corporations to control what students learn, while draining dollars from public schools.)
  7. US foreign policy is used to spread democracy and to make the world a safer place. (Most US policy is military action aimed at countries that threaten corporate profits. In America, the poor fight the wars, the middle class pays for them, and the very rich make out like the bandits they are.)
  8. Free health care, daycare, and college tuition for all are simply unaffordable. (The most successful capitalist countries provide their citizens with all these benefits and much more.)
  9. Social Security needs reform to save it. (Social Security is good for another 40 years, and with a little more paid by top earners, good forever. That is if we can keep Wall Street thieves from getting their hands on it.)
  10. It's all Trump's fault! Vote for the Democrats to change the system. (If you believe that whopper, you are part of the problem.)

The Hidden Verses
to This Land Is Your Land

Was a high wall there that tried to stop me
A sign was painted said: Private Property,
But on the back side it didn't say nothing --
This land was made for you and me.

One bright sunny morning in the shadow of the steeple
By the Relief Office I saw my people --
As they stood hungry, I stood there wondering if
This land was made for you and me.

WOODY G. (Feb. 23, 1940)

Workers of the world, awaken!
Beak our chains, demand your rights.
All the wealth you make is taken
By exploiting parasites.

Shall you kneel in deep submission
From your cradles to your graves?
Is the height of your ambition
To be good and willing slaves?

JOE HILL (1910)

One blue sky above us
One ocean lapping all our shore
One earth so green and round
Who could ask for more
And because I love you
I'll give it one more try
To show my rainbow race
It's too soon to die.

-Pete Seeger

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Crony capitalists have always been with us.
Here is Boss Tweed of New York's Tammany
Hall sometime in the 1860's.

The policy of the American Empire since World War II.

I see in the future a crisis approaching that fills me with anxiety. As a result of the war, corporations have become enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow. The money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its rule by preying upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is concentrated in a few hands and the Republic destroyed.
Abraham Lincoln
And above all Fascism denies that class-war can be the preponderant force in the transformation of society.
Benito Mussolini
The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is Fascism - ownership of Government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
A revolution is a class struggle. It was one class - the oppressed, and that other class - the oppressor.
Fred Hampton
Surely, in the history of lies told to the population, this is the biggest lie. In the history of secrets, withheld from the American people, this is the biggest secret: that there are classes with different interests in this country. To ignore that--not to know that the history of our country is a history of slaveowner against slave, landlord against tenant, corporation against worker, rich against poor--is to render us helpless before all the lesser lies told to us by people in power.
Howard Zinn
The clinical definition of "fascism' is when private concentrated economic power takes government away from the people, turns government into a guarantor, a subsidizer, a covering of corporate power.
Ralph Nader
There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning.
Warren Buffet
This [$700 billion bailout] was the largest single act of class warfare in the modern history of this country.
Dennis Kucinich
I think this has been a class war waged by the rich against the poor, and I think that they won. And I think the poor are fighting back.
Naomi Klein
The solution is revolution, first in the spirit of the gospel; Jesus could not accept people going hungry. It is a conflict between classes, rich and poor. My role is to preach and organize.
Jean-Bertrand Aristide
The effect of the [European Central Bank] policies is to weaken the welfare state measures and to reduce the power of labor. That's class war. It's fine for the banks, for financial institutions, but terrible for the population.
Noam Chomsky
The US has a highly class-conscious business class. If you read the business literature, it's like reading Mao's "Red Book." The values may be inverted, but the terminology is the same. They're fighting a bitter class war constantly. They never relax for a minute.

Noam Chomsky
The breakdown [of American society] is not caused by economic laws. They are policies, a kind of class war initiated by the rich and powerful against the working population and the poor. This is what defines the neoliberalism period, not only in the United States but in Europe and elsewhere.

Noam Chomsky
For 45 years there has been a war in this country waged by the corporate elite against the working class of America.

Bernie Sanders
If there is going to be class warfare in this country, it's about time the working class won that war.

Bernie Sanders
The theft of public resources for the military and militarism domestically and abroad represent a one-sided class war waged on the working class in the U.S. The 6 trillion dollars spent on U.S. wars since 2003 are resources that could have been directed to address the increasing desperate plight of workers and poor people in the U.S.

Ajamu Baraka
You look at the reality, neoliberalism translates as bitter class war. That's the meaning of it, everywhere you look, every component of it.
Noam Chomsky
Now I'm finding out there's just one kind of war.
It's the one going on 'tween the rich and the poor.
I guess that I don't know a lot about class,
But the upper and middle can all kiss my ass.
Utah Phillips